Study in Canada

Qualifications Respected Across the World
A Canadian degree or diploma is recognized everywhere in the world and stands equal to the education obtained from the United States, UK and Australia. Canada’s rigorous quality controls and high academic standards open the doors for you to the glistening future.

Affordable Education
While studying in Canada students have supreme quality of education and the living standards are amongst the highest in the world. But surprisingly cost of living and tuition fee for oversea students are lower in comparison with other popular destinations like United States and the United Kingdom. It is in fact the main attraction for international students in studying in Canada.

A Cosmopolitan Society
In Canada you would almost have all of the world’s ethnic groups. Finding a cultural food isn’t difficult for international students and you are free to follow your cultural values, you can get in touch with number of ethnic clubs and groups while you study in Canada.
Safe and Sound Communities
As an international student in Canada, you’ll enjoy all of the same freedoms which protect Canadians – respect for human rights, equality, and a stable and peaceful society.

Exciting Campus Lifestyle
Study in Canada comes with great on campus life; there are numbers of modern amenities as well as everything with latest technology. Canada’s post-secondary campuses offer you so many possibilities for learning and leisure. You will also have the opportunity to meet the excellent individuals and obtain experience that is valuable.

Work While You Study
You can work while you study in Canada. Students are permitted to work maximum for 20 hours a week during their semester and full time during vacations.
Canada has a range of work opportunities for overseas students, including: Supermarkets, department and clothing stores, cafes, bars and restaurants, hotels and motels, Sales and telemarketing and Administration or Clerical roles.

Post-Graduate Work Program
After studying in Canada, this program allows international students who graduate from a Canadian post-secondary institution to gain valuable Canadian work experience through a work permit issued for up to a maximum of 3 years.

Permanent Residency
International students who study in Canada and have Canadian work experience can apply for permanent residency without leaving Canada. For further information about the possibility of permanent residency for Canada once your course is completed, you can visit the website of Citizenship and Immigration Canada.