Live in Australia

Australian Weather

Australia is a continent that boasts of an array of climates because of its large size. The temperature ranges from below zero in the Snowy Mountains area in southern Australia to the very heat in the north-west side of the continent.

You will experience six climate zones while living in Australia. There is summer, autumn, winter, spring pattern in the moderate zone and a wet or dry pattern in the tropical north.

Depending upon where you are each Month when you live in Australia, season will vary and is defined by the Temperate zone seasons or the tropical seasons.

Clothing in Australia

The clothing type that people have in Australia reflects the diversified society of the country; it is due to variation in climate. No rules on clothing when you live in Australia, but you must wear certain clothes in some work situations and on formal occasions.

In Australia clothing is one’s own choice; many people dress for comfort, for the social situation or the weather. Clubs, movie theatres and for other places.

When you are in Australia, you will see many people living near beach. On hot days, they may choose to wear little clothing on the beach and surroundings. That doesn’t mean these people have low moral standards. It means that is customary and is accepted near beach. You can wear your national dresses. Robe, a hijab or a turban everything is encouraged in Australian tolerant society.

Accommodation in Australia

You can rent a house; this is done through real estate agent or privately. When renting a home you will have to pay security bond that will be refunded once your tenancy agreement is over.

On Campus
Living on campus could be a great advantage as it is quite a cost effective option. Some universities have pretty much furnished residency halls or close by arrangements, sometimes included cleaning and meals.

Homestay is another good option for younger students indeed; you will be living with an Australian family and would have all the cozy comforts of an established home. Do not be surprised! It’s a customary thing in Australia and the family is completely screened by your institution. This is often with meals and cleaning included.

Work While You Study

You can work while you study in Australia. Students are permitted to work maximum of 20 hours a week during their semester and full time during vacations.
Australia has a range of work opportunities for overseas students, including: Supermarkets, department and clothing stores, cafes, bars and restaurants, hotels and motels, Sales and telemarketing and Administration or Clerical roles.
The average hourly wage for a foreign student in Australia is AUS 16 to AUS 18.

Finding work

There are ample ways to find work in Australia:
• Newspapers and online jobs.
• Some institutions provide job notice-boards on campus and online.
• Enlist your details at a recruitment firm; many of them help place students in casual or part time work.

Australian Currency

The basic unit is the dollar (AUD). There are 100 cents in one dollar ($1), dollar notes come in denominations of $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100. Coins are in denominations of 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, $1 and $2.

Transport in Australia

There are various transport options available in Australia which includes buses, trains, trams and ferries. How do you reach to these transport services will vary depending on where you live. You can also access private and public car services from taxis to hired luxury cars.